
In v1.1. The AddChat database settings are moved to the addchat config file. You can find in your application config/addchat.php.

Brand Identity

Add your website identity & branding to the AddChat widget. These changes are for the AddChat widget only and have nothing to do with the main website.

Setting Name Type Default Description
widget_name required AddChat Laravel Pro Brand/Website name
widget_logo required addchat/img/addchat-logo-white.png Logo for AddChat widget and admin panel
widget_icon required addchat/img/addchat-shadow.png Logo for the widget icon
widget_user_avatar required addchat/img/avatar.png Images placeholder
widget_notify_sound required addchat/sound/notification.mp3 Notification sound
widget_footer_text optional AddChat | by Classiebit Give chat widget your own brand name
widget_footer_url optional Brand website URL

Upload Path

AddChat uploads User profile pics & Messages attachments in storage/public folder.

Setting Name Type Default Description
upload_path required storage/addchat Profile pics & message attachments uploading path

Users Table

AddChat fetches your website's existing users from the users table. If your users table and it's user-id & email column names are different, then you can add them below.

Setting Name Type Default Description
users_table required users Users table name
users_col_id required id Users table column name of id
users_col_email required email Users table column name of email

{success} AddChat never modify any data the users table and never read the password or any other sensitive column except user id and email

Super Admin

As of now, AddChat can have only one Super Admin (will make it to multiple Admins in upcoming versions).

Setting Name Type Default Description
admin_user_id required 1 Default Super Admin is the User with User-id = 1

User Groups/Roles Table

To enable the AddChat multi-user groups feature. Your website database must have a User-Groups table and a pivot table that connects Users to a group. AddChat also supports a user belongs to multiple groups. Just mention those tables' names below.

{primary} Please read User Groups for more info about Groups Function

Enter groups table name and columns name, so that AddChat can fetch & use your existing user groups.

{success} AddChat never modify any data in the groups table and never assign any group to any user

{info} This feature is optional if you don't wanna enable User groups feature, keep the below configurations `NULL

Setting Name Type Default Description
groups_table optional NULL User-groups table name e.g groups or roles
groups_col_id string NULL User-groups table column name of id
groups_col_name string NULL User-groups table column name of group name/title
ug_table string NULL User-groups pivot table name e. users_groups or users_roles
ug_col_user_id string NULL User-groups pivot table column name of user-id
ug_col_group_id string NULL User-groups pivot table column name of group-id e.g group_id or role_id

Guest Mode

Guest mode allows your website visitors to use the AddChat widget to send messages without signup or login. As like Chat support.

{primary} Please read Customer Support section for more info about Guest Mode.

{info} This feature is optional if you don't wanna enable Guest mode feature, keep the below configuration `NULL

Enter Guest/Support Group id (value), the group who chats with the Guests (the users who are not registered or logged in into your website). To enable guest mode, AddChat only requires a User Group which will chat with the guests. You can create a separate User Group and add that group's id.

Setting Name Type Default Description
guest_group_id optional NULL Guest/Support Group id e.g 8

Customize Default Behaviour

Setting Name Type Default Description
hide_email TRUE/FALSE FALSE Whether to show users email in throughout the widget
enter_send TRUE/FALSE TRUE Whether to send a message on pressing Enter
open_chat_on_notification TRUE/FALSE FALSE Whether to automatically open user chat window when a new message arrives.


Set AddChat widget global pagination limit.

{warning} Greater value = More loading time

Setting Name Type Default Description
pagination_limit required|Greater than 0 5 The total number of records to be fetched from the database at a single time

Include/Exclude URLs

Control whether to show or not to show AddChat widget on specific URLs

{primary} Please read User Groups for more info.

Setting Name Type Default Description
include_url optional array() Show AddChat widget only on these URLs.
exclude_url optional array() Hide AddChat widget only on these URLs.

Notification Type

By default, AddChat works on a custom internal real-time notification system build with VueJs.

{primary} Please read Realtime Notifications for more info.

AddChat comes with integrated Pusher service. To switch to Pusher real-time notifications, add the Pusher API credentials and change notification_type to pusher

Setting Name Type Default Description
notification_type internal/pusher internal switch between notification systems
pusher_app_id optional NULL Pusher App id
pusher_key optional NULL Pusher key
pusher_secret optional NULL Pusher secret
pusher_cluster optional NULL Pusher cluster

AddChat Migrations

Whether to autoload AddChat migrations.

  • Default is TRUE (enabled) RECOMMENDED

    When enabled, AddChat migrations managed automatically on running migration command. AddChat migrations will autorun even when updating to a new AddChat version. When updating AddChat, AddChat migrations will auto-run on running migration command and it'll update it's database tables without losing or modifying existing data in DB.

  • If it's FALSE (disabled)

    You'll need to copy AddChat migrations files to your app migrations folder. Then, you can manage the migration files yourself. This will be the case when you're customizing the AddChat on your own.