Realtime Notifications

AddChat Laravel Pro comes with a custom Internal notification system & Pusher integration for chatting in realtime.

Realtime notifications

Internal notification is a custom real-time notification system built using VueJs, which does not require any additional server setup. It works smoothly behind the scenes.

Internal notification system sends regular Asynchronous HTTP/S Requests to the server for getting the latest messages on the fly. For the geeks who wanna know more, it only runs a single SELECT database query in a single Table to fetch the latest messages.

{info} The total no. of records fetched from single SELECT query are equal to the total no. of users chatting simultaneously.

{primary} Admin can switch between Pusher & Internal notification system with just one click.

Internal Notifications

Internal notification system fetches the following things in realtime (without page refresh)

  1. Latest received messages from multiple users
  2. Latest messages while user-to-user chatting
  3. The message is seen or not

{primary} Internal notification system saves Pusher monthly subscription fees.

Pusher Notifications

Pusher notification system fetches the following things in realtime.

  1. Latest received messages from multiple users
  2. Latest messages while user-to-user chatting
  3. The message is seen or not
  4. The user is typing...

Pusher Setup

By default, the Internal notification system is enabled. To switch to Pusher notifications, firstly, you (as website Admin) need to Signup on Pusher and create an app and get the Pusher API credentials. Once you have the Pusher credentials -

  1. Go to addchat config file config/addchat.php & scroll down to Notification Type section.
  2. Set notification_type to pusher
  3. Then enter the Pusher credentials-
    • Pusher App Id
    • Pusher Key
    • Pusher Secret
    • Pusher Cluster
  4. Save the file and you're done.

{success} Now, the AddChat widget will fetch real-time notifications using Pusher