
AddChat can be installed via composer. Awesome... ✌️. Now, as of v1.1.0 release. You as a developer can customize the AddChat VueJS code as well.

{info.fa-youtube} A complete video tutorial guide for getting started quickly is Coming Soon


  • Laravel version 5.5 / 5.6 / 5.7 / 5.8 / 6.x / 7.x / 8.x
  • Laravel Authentication must be installed.
  • Make sure to install the AddChat package on a Fresh or Existing Laravel application.
  • We also assume that you've set up the database.
  • If you're running MySql version older than < 5.7 then disable strict mode in your Laravel app.
    • Go to config/database.php and update 'strict' => false in mysql section.

{primary} Laravel installation guide Laravel Installation 👈

Non-developer Installation

  1. Unzip the file you downloaded. Then unzip the file and copy the addchat-laravel-pro folder and place it in your Laravel application root directory.

  2. Open your Laravel application composer.json file and paste the below code in the end (right before last curly } bracket)

    "repositories": [{
    "type": "path",
    "url": "addchat-laravel-pro/"

    (once you complete, the composer.json file will look something like this)

    "repositories": [{
    "type": "path",
    "url": "addchat-laravel-pro/"
  3. Install AddChat Laravel Pro via Composer

    composer require classiebit/addchat-laravel-pro
  4. Run AddChat install command

    php artisan addchat:install
  5. While installation, it will ask you for the license code. Enter the license code to complete the installation process.

    {info} Remember, one license code is valid for one domain only. Contact support for more details.

  6. Open the common layout file, mostly the common layout file is the file that contains the HTML & BODY tags.

    • Copy AddChat CSS code and paste it right before closing </head> tag
    <!-- 1. Addchat css -->
    <link href="<?= asset('addchat/css/addchat.min.css') ?>" rel="stylesheet">
    • Copy AddChat Widget code and paste it right after opening <body> tag
    <!-- 2. AddChat widget -->
    <div id="addchat_app" 
    data-baseurl="<?= url('') ?>"
    data-csrfname="<?= 'X-CSRF-Token' ?>"
    data-csrftoken="<?= csrf_token() ?>"
    • Copy AddChat JS code and paste it right before closing </body> tag
    <!-- 3. AddChat JS -->
    <script src="<?= asset('addchat/js/addchat.min.js') ?>"></script>

    The final layout will look something like this

    <!-- **** your site other content **** -->
    <!-- 1. Addchat css -->
    <link href="<?= asset('assets/addchat/css/addchat.min.css') ?>" rel="stylesheet">
    <!-- 2. AddChat widget -->
    <div id="addchat_app" 
    data-baseurl="<?= url('') ?>"
    data-csrfname="<?= 'X-CSRF-Token' ?>"
    data-csrftoken="<?= csrf_token() ?>"
    <!-- **** your site other content **** -->
    <!-- 3. AddChat JS -->
    <script src="<?= asset('addchat/js/addchat.min.js') ?>"></script>

{info} For Info, the php artisan addchat:install publishes AddChat assets to your application public directory

Developer Installation

This is an advanced installation method. This method will help you customizing the AddChat VueJS code. We recommend this method only if-

  • You're a developer.
  • If you're already using VueJS into your website.

  1. Unzip the file you downloaded. Then unzip the & files and copy the addchat-laravel-pro & addchat-vuejs-pro folder and place it in your Laravel application root directory (near vendor folder).

  2. Open your Laravel application composer.json file and paste the below code in the end (right before last curly } bracket)

    "repositories": [{
    "type": "path",
    "url": "addchat-laravel-pro/"

    (once you complete, the composer.json file will look something like this)

    "repositories": [{
    "type": "path",
    "url": "addchat-laravel-pro/"
  3. Install AddChat Laravel Pro via Composer

    composer require classiebit/addchat-laravel-pro
  4. (NEW STEP) Install AddChat VueJS Pro via NPM

    npm install addchat-vuejs-pro
  5. Run AddChat install command

    php artisan addchat:install
  6. While installation, it will ask you for the license code. Enter the license code to complete the installation process.

    {info} Remember, one license code is valid for one domain only. Contact support for more details.

  7. Now, you need to import the AddChat VueJS plugin into your VueJS app.

    • Go to your website resources/js/app.js and import the AddChat VueJS plugin.
    import AddchatVuejsPro from 'addchat-vuejs-pro';
    • Then run
    npm run dev
  8. In the last step, you only need to include addchat.min.css and VueJS widget code.

    • Copy AddChat CSS code and paste it right before closing </head> tag
    <!-- 1. Addchat css -->
    <link href="<?= asset('addchat/css/addchat.min.css') ?>" rel="stylesheet">
    • Copy AddChat Widget code and paste it right after opening <body> tag
    <!-- 2. AddChat widget -->
    <div id="addchat_app" 
    data-baseurl="<?= url('') ?>"
    data-csrftoken="<?= csrf_token() ?>"
    • At this point, we assume that you've already included app.js.
    <script src="<?= asset('js/app.js') ?>"></script>

{warning} Please replace PHP tag by curly brackets.

{success} Setup finishes here, now heads-up straight to Configurations docs

Purchased From Codecanyon

If you've purchased AddChat Laravel Pro from Codecanyon then follow these simple steps-

  1. Enter Purchase-code as a License key in the AddChat Laravel Pro installer.
  2. Visit, signup as new user and go to Downloads
  3. Click on Purchased from Codecanyon?
  4. In the popup, enter the Purchase-code and submit. You'll see the product on the download list.
  5. At last, add the authorized domain. And you're good to go. 👍