
Manage AddChat global settings here.

Addchat Settings

{primary} To visit Admin Panel click on profile icon and then click Admin Panel

General Settings

Setup brand identity.

Setting Name Type Description
Site Name alpha-numeric Brand/Website name
Site Logo image:jpg|jpeg|png Logo for AddChat widget and admin panel
Chat Icon image:jpg|jpeg|png Logo for the widget icon
Footer Text alpha-numeric Give chat widget your own brand name
Footer URL alpha-numeric Brand website URL

Widget Config

These are the AddChat widget main configurations

Setting Name Type Description
Admin User Id integer Admin-User-Id VALUE from the users table (by default Admin-User-id is 1)
Pagination Limit integer The total number of records to be fetched at a single time (greater the value, greater load)
Upload Path integer The profile pics will be uploaded to this path
Assets Path integer AddChat assets path, AddChat will pick up the fonts, placeholder image and notification sound from this path

{danger} Please be sure to keep the Upload Path writable, or else it'll through an error while uploading images

Users Table

Enter your website users table name and it's user-id & email column names.

Setting Name Type Description
Users table name string users table name
User Id string user-id column name in the users table
User Email string email column name in the users table

{success} AddChat never modify any data the users table and never read the password or any other sensitive column except user id and email

User Groups Table

{warning} Please read User Groups for more info about Groups Function

Enter groups table name and columns name, so that AddChat can fetch & use your existing user groups.

{success} AddChat never modify any data in the groups table and never assign any group to any user

Setting Name Type Description
Groups bool Check/Uncheck the checkbox to enable/disable groups function
Groups Table Name string Enter the groups table name
Group Id string Enter the groups table's Group Id column name
Group Name string Enter the groups table's Group Name column name
Users & Groups Pivot Table Name string enter name of your users & groups pivot table e.g users_groups
Pivot table User Id string enter Pivot table User Id column name e.g user_id
Pivot table Group Id string enter Pivot table Group Id column name e.g group_id

Guest Mode

{warning} Please read Customer Support section for more info about Guest Mode Function

Enter Guest/Support Group id (value), the group who chats with the Guests (the users who are not registered or logged in into the your website)

Setting Name Type Description
Guest Mode bool Check/Uncheck the checkbox to enable/disable Guest Mode function
Guest Group Id integer Enter the Guest/Support Group id (value)

Show/Hide User Email

If you want to show or hide the email under the user names in contact list.

{warning} Please read the guidelines provided below each setting, and follow exactly mentioned, or else it may break down your site.

{primary} After updating settings, please log out and log in again to see the effects.